Active Stretch

Stretch To Improve

Stretch Safely

This service includes a coach-led 30 – 60 min stretch sequence that has participants working in and out of stretches to help open up their ankle, hips, glute, hamstring, quad, thoracic spine, lats, pecs and more. The coach will show the movement then time participants for 30 seconds – 2 minutes per stretch to ensure they are safely performing the stretch so that they are accessing the correct area.

Our Programs


Healthy Teams

rxCulture is here to help you shape and create a health-conscious corporate culture to ensure your team is running at its most optimal.

Corporate Lunch ‘n Learn

Eating Right

rxRecourse offers Virtual Lunch ‘n Learn sessions covering a wide variety of topics that helps to get your team engaged and educated on nutrition, activity and mindset.

Active Stretch

Stretch To Improve

This will be a coach led stretch sequence to help combat time spent at the desk. The stretch position will be held for 20 – 120 seconds with participants being actively moving in and out of the stretch to improve their range of motion.

Deep Stretch Yoga

Get More Flexible

This will have participants holding stretches for a longer duration to allow for a more low key, relaxed vibe to the stretch sequence.

Body Weighted Exercise

No Weights Needed

These exercises use your own body as the resistance. Our coaches have creative and fun ways to get you a great workout by using body weight only.

Weighted Exercise

Increase The Intensity

These exercises use external weight that is available to the participant as resistance for the workout. These workouts provide the opportunity for building muscle, more challenging movement and improving imbalances. Odd objects around the house are at times very useful for these exercises.


Get Some Clarity

Setting up a schedule and structure to walking provide clarity on the task and ultimately presents an opportunity to feel good about accomplishing that task. We can help you get started with a walking program today!


Increase Your Heart Rate

Whether you are an avid runner or just getting started, we can help provide a schedule and structure to you running so that you are safe, progressing and having fun. Additional ‘before run” and ‘after run’ considerations are provided here to ensure you are injury free while enjoying your runs.

Sport Specific

Hone Your Skills

Our workouts will help prepare teams/athletes to become better at their chosen sport while being less prone to injury, more prone to higher performance for their upcoming season or during their season.

For Individuals

Keeping You Accountable

We provide custom programming to match your individual goals based on your current fitness level, access to equipment (no equipment necessary) and schedule demands.